
Primary color

Primary color


The primary color of metal does not refer to a specific color, but the background color of the metal that constitutes a certain equipment. For example, gold is gold, silver is silver, copper is close to golden red, and aluminum is silver white.

Non ferrous metal: [metallurgy] non ferrous metal, also known as non-ferrous metal in a narrow sense, is a general term for all metals except iron, manganese and chromium. Nonferrous Metals in a broad sense also include nonferrous alloys. Nonferrous alloy is an alloy formed by taking a nonferrous metal as the matrix (usually more than 50%) and adding one or several other elements.

Nonferrous metals usually refer to all metals except iron (sometimes manganese and chromium) and iron-based alloys. Nonferrous metals can be divided into heavy metals (such as copper, lead and zinc), light metals (such as aluminum and magnesium), precious metals (such as gold, silver and platinum) and rare metals (such as tungsten, molybdenum, germanium, lithium, lanthanum and uranium).

Material Science

Nonferrous Metals refer to all metals except iron, chromium and manganese. China listed iron, chromium and manganese as ferrous metals in 1958; 64 metals other than iron, chromium and manganese are listed as non-ferrous metals. These 64 non-ferrous metals include: aluminum, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, strontium, barium, copper, lead, zinc, tin, cobalt, nickel, antimony, mercury, cadmium, bismuth, gold, silver, platinum, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, beryllium, lithium, rubidium, cesium, titanium, zirconium, hafnium, vanadium, niobium, tantalum, tungsten, molybdenum, gallium, indium, thallium, germanium, rhenium, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium Thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium and thorium.

Nonferrous alloys generally have higher strength and hardness than pure metals, higher resistance than pure metals and lower resistance temperature coefficient, and have good comprehensive mechanical properties. Common non-ferrous alloys include aluminum alloy, copper alloy, magnesium alloy, nickel alloy, tin alloy, tantalum alloy, titanium alloy, zinc alloy, molybdenum alloy, zirconium alloy, etc.

Because rare metals are of great significance in modern industry, they are sometimes divided from non-ferrous metals into a single category. It is juxtaposed with ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals to become the three categories of metals.

Nonferrous metals are the basic materials for national economic development. Most industries such as aviation, aerospace, automobile, machinery manufacturing, electric power, communication, construction and household appliances are based on nonferrous metals. With the rapid development of modern chemical industry, agriculture and science and technology, non-ferrous metals play an increasingly important role in human development. It is not only an important strategic material and an important means of production in the world, but also an indispensable means of consumption in human life.

1 Classification by purpose: it can be divided into

Mining chain, lifting chain, anchor chain, binding chain, hoist chain, hatch chain, cage breeding chain, German standard, British standard, American standard chain, slaughtering chain, elevator compensation chain, etc.

2 It can be divided into (video) according to the ring scale

Short ring chain: the inner length is about 3 times the diameter

Representative products: walking chain (3 times inner length), German standard Din766 (less than 3 times inner length), American Standard div5687 (less than 3 times inner length)

Medium long ring chain: the inner length is about 3.5-4.5 of the diameter.

Representative products: Mining chain, anchor chain and hoist chain.

Long ring chain: the inner length is more than 4.5 times the diameter

Representative product: binding chain.

3 Classification by level

G30 G43 G50 G65 G70 G80 G100

Grade refers to the breaking force of the chain. The higher the grade, the greater the tension,